What Is Cosmetic Dentistry

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Get Whiter, Straighter Teeth Like Never Before

Cosmetic dentistry focuses on enhancing your smile in terms of appearance and functionality, but it also includes oral health care as well. Here are some insights into the world of cosmetic dentistry. If you’re looking for a reliable dentist for cosmetic procedures and more in the Fort Collins area, turn to Glacier Creek Dental!

Improve Appearance & Aesthetic

Cosmetic dental work is something that makes you feel better about your smile — you can get teeth whitening or porcelain veneers to make them look more aesthetically pleasing.

Porcelain veneers, on the other hand, are custom-made, thin shells that are bonded onto the front surfaces of the teeth in order to cover discolored, misshapen, gapped, small, cracked, chipped, and other types of otherwise “imperfect” teeth. Both whitening and veneers are able to give your smile a completely different look, helping you feel more confident about showing off your pearly whites.

Improve Functionality

Some teeth are just incapable of doing the job that they’re meant to do — some people struggle with eating with their current teeth and prefer to go the cosmetic dentistry route. For example, sometimes, when women are pregnant, their teeth become frailer, softer, and actually tend to fall out. Instead of living with this, some women choose to extract all of their teeth at a relatively young age and get full dental implants so that they not only eat properly but have a beautiful smile, too. While this is just one example, there are plenty of other reasons that cosmetic dentistry can actually help improve your teeth, or mouth as a whole, and the way that they function.

Health Benefits of Cosmetic Dentistry

Aside from just improving your teeth, cosmetic dentistry also has a few health benefits. Although cosmetic is in the name, there are definitely some cosmetic procedures that are more necessary than just for keeping up appearances. For example, dental crowns and bridges fall into the category of cosmetic dentistry, but without those, some people would be in immense pain.

While cosmetic dental procedures can certainly improve your oral health, they could also improve your mental health, too. The reason that so many people choose cosmetic dentistry is simply that they don’t like their smiles. After getting your procedure done, however, you’re bound to feel much more confident about your smile, and hopefully yourself overall!

Different Types of Cosmetic Dentistry

Cosmetic dental work can include a variety of different dental procedures, for any or all of the reasons above. Here are some of the many cosmetic dental procedures that we offer here at Glacier Creek Dental in Fort Collins:

Whether you’re looking to improve your teeth’s appearance, functionality, or improve your mouth’s health, we’re here to help. For a consultation at our dental clinic in Northern Colorado, schedule an appointment today!

Ready to see what your smile could look like with the help of cosmetic dentistry? Don’t let your smile hold you back — book an appointment with us today at Glacier Creek Dental in Fort Collins!